FAASTeam WINGS Program


This level is designed for those pilots who want to establish a recurrent training program that will provide them a higher level of proficiency than merely preparing for a normal Flight Review as required by 14 CFR 61.56.  


This level is designed for those pilots who want to design a program that will take them a step above the Basic Level. It affords the pilot an opportunity, in concert with his/her instructor, to tailor a portion of the training to fit more specific needs of the individual while maintaining the requirement to demonstrate proficiency.


This level is designed to give even more flexibility to a pilot's need for specialized training. While most often this phase will require the use of higher PTS standards, it will also allow for the addition of specialized equipment and flight environment training scenarios.

Improve Your Pilot Skills 

With the FAASTeam WINGS Pilot Proficiency Program

To reduce the number of preventable aviation accidents, the FAA established the WINGS Pilot Proficiency Program. Providing these courses and encouraging Pilot participation creates the opportunity for pilots to improve their skills and knowledge to create a safer flying experience.  

The courses promote ongoing flight training with an authorized flight instructor. You select the category and class of aircraft you want to receive training in and demonstrate flight proficiency. In addition, the FAA provides learning opportunities such as online courses, seminars, webinars, and other events. You’ll have the ability to earn WINGS credits by attending 3rd party events offered by AOPA, ASA, Sporty’s, and others.

To hear Captain Sully Sullenburger and First Officer, Jeff Skiles endorse WINGS,

click the link below

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